Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Let's Get Physical

As I haphazardly peel the lycra jogging pants over my blubbery waist I am reminded of what a baby must feel like when finally relieving itself from it's mother's comforting and cosy womb. This isn't pretty. Perhaps I should have been more like the girl on the Special K advert and plastered pictures of myself looking trim and wonderful in a bikini all over vending machines, fridges and cookie jars but trying to find said picture in the first place has been akin to looking for a long lost dead sea scroll.

A little sigh escapes as the waist band begins to cut off blood flow.

My first aerobics class in 2 years, how on Earth am I going to cope? I have visions of myself dropping to the ground after 10 minutes with heart failure, everyone's last sight of me will be dribble rolling from the side of my contorted mouth and the paramedic shoe-horning me out of my Adidas tracksuit bottoms to stabilise circulation once more.

Who the hell chooses aerobics as a means of easing oneself into a relaxing exercise regime?? I am severely doubting my ability to make decisions without adult supervision and am finding more and more of these bright ideas seem to be whilst under the influence, in fact my last 3 boyfriends are prime example of this!

Okay it's countdown time, 1 minute then I have to leave. My friend will be waiting outside my door and has been told to use any means required to extract me from my habitat. She is a tiger. I can't afford a replacement door. So I must go.

Goodbye all. Goodbye.


Sunday, 6 September 2009

Pandora Presents...

It's really so easy to daydream your life away. This has been worrying me for a while because I have a tendency to have little flights of fancy that I grow out of or start projects that I never really finish but it seems that either I have grown up or I have come to realise that any creativity or ambition left is slowly but surely going to disappear altogether!

I, no doubt like millions of other people on this planet, have many dreams. So many that it hardly seemed possible to fill them before all but just recently I thought 'Why don't I just start by fulfilling one?' SO I began with the writing thing which is going not too badly thank you very much!(hence the lacksidaisical updating of this here blog..sorry) am getting paid real money just to write, stilll pinching myself about it and then I decided to set up a gig night, one where the bands are actually decent, where they actually make money and where people are having so much fun they just don't want to leave and you know what I think it's really going to work! I'm also starting my own company, quirky reliable PR staff who are paid well...a simple idea but having happy staff is something businesses just seem to neglect nowadays.

By taking each of my dreams on one by one I'm ticking off the virtual list that has been steadily building up in the back of my mind for years. Of course the list is still long, but achievement is an incredible thing it spurs people, it makes people happy no matter how precarious their situation is, this feeling is just incredibly sweet and tingly.

Anyway onwards and upwards, if you'd like to come see what I'm talking about please feel free to attend my night 'Pandora Presents....' at Cosmopol, Glasgow on 26th September. It will have female acts such as the Jigawotts, Fee and the Urges, PJMamma and Outi Karhula as well as a great guest band still to be confirmed. The great thing is you don't even have to leave to go clubbing as there will be a DJ set in to the wee small hours. Come drink some Pandora Punch, eat some Lipstick Cupcakes and have a great chat.

Pandora xx

Friday, 31 July 2009

Leggings, Kissing and Other things

Dearie me,

31st July already and I haven't even done half of what I thought I'd do by this point. Getting a little edgy to be truthful with you, perhaps more to do with my living and work situation right now than anything else but it is amazing how we all seem to settle into our own little habits. Think about it, if someone was to write a book about the last 12 months what would it be? A tearjerker? Chick lit? Thriller? Comedy?

I think at the moment mine would be a comedy horror. Like psychoville. Am surrounded by legging clad clones, same blow dryed and straightened hair-dos, neon bangles and orange faces, different mobile phone covers...

If I'm sounding bitchy I'm not, yes all these young girls are at least 10 years younger than me have their whole lives ahead of them and the teeniest tiniest waists I have ever seen but COME ON strive to be at least a little bit different for God's sake! I want to cry out to them in the street, beg them to get rid of the leggings and shove on a cute wee polka dot dress or a cheap little vintage number from the local Cancer Research shop but I feel my cries of encouragement would be ignored so I walk on, high heels clapping along the pavement, tugging up the stockings and drawing in my calorie laden tum. Ah I weep......

..BUT on a lighter note I have some lover-ly things going on. I don't have Swine Flu hoorah! I am no longer employed so am now free to get creative woo hoo! And even better I have my first writing job yee hee! So this part of my life is going swimmingly, even a little bit of romance in the air but that is where I leave it as I cannot divulge anything further. Instead I will leave you with some lovely little facts about kissing and how women go about choosing their men.

1. The 5 characteristics that women like in a man are Strong, well-bred, far-seeing, caring, self-confident

I will vouch for this one although have dated a well-bred gent who showed me how I should sip from my spoon before and that was a slight turn off.

2. 3 long smooches a day can not only make for a charged atmosphere, but if done over a year can relieve you of over a kilogram of weight

I am all for this as a dieting technique, bring on the lip salve yee ha!

3. Men who kiss their ladies before they leave the door live 5 years longer

I have no idea how on earth they managed to find this one out!!

4. Some women are known to reach orgasm during a kiss

This has happened to me before although I was having sex at the time.

5. The average female kisses about 80 men before she gets married

Wrong! The average female kisses 50 men before she's married, unfortunately I myself seem to have increased the average somehwat...

6. About 90 tonnes of lipstick a year is eaten by men

This is a disgusting habit which I feel should be banned this instant!

7. In the throes of love it is scientifically proven that people who are depressed or have been ill long term actually get better

There you go Mr Brown, instead of putting people on the sick you should be getting people on dating sites save yourself a fortune!

8. It has been scientifically proven that when in love the activity in an individuals brain is almost identical to someone who is intoxicated.

I am always intoxicated so no comment.

Remember to say white rabbits tomorrow morning Kittens



Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Lily Bollinger Quote on her partiality to champagne, my kind of girl....

"I drink it when I'm happy and when I'm sad.Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone.When I have company I consider it obligatory.I trifle with it if I'm not hungry and I drink it when I am.Otherwise I never touch it, unless I'm thirsty."

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Follow Me Where 'er I Go

I have always wondered what kind of person follows my blog so have decided to add the little 'Followers' Gadget to the right hand side (d'ya see it y'all?). Please feel free to add yourself would be delighted to see all your lovely mugs :)


Wednesday, 13 May 2009

OMG did I just do that?????

So far this week I have been sent two texts that weren't originally meant for me, one was an ex telling his new gf a complete and utter untruth about something I said ( retort did follow, I believe said ex was suitably shamed) and another from a guy I went on one date with (a long time ago)to what was obviously a new 'friend', more of which I will tell you later. These reminded me of one of the MANY erroneous text/email situations I have had.

I remember one time a friend and I were having the usual bored email chat in work. Conversation swiftly but inevitably turned to 'The Office Hottie' whom we had both secretly salivated over for years and as always we reverted into various steamy but funny anecdotes about what we would do if we ever got our hands on him (No longer at this particular workplace thank God as am sure I would have been sacked for sexual harrassment by now). I can't really remember what this particular email said but am fairly sure it involved stationary cupboards, blindfolds and fruit! Anyway as I clicked on the send button, I suddenly experienced a moment of complete clarity, as if the right side of my brain had turned itself on just for this one defining moment, a last ditch attempt at saving me from what was surely to come. I moved my cursor to the sent items folder and there to my complete and utter horror I could see I had sent the email about the Hottie TO THE HOTTIE!!!

Even now a trickle of perspiration runs down my face as I remember slowly crouching under my desk to escape seeing the Hottie's reaction. After about 5 minutes of hogging office floor I decided to brave it. If indeed 'The Hottie' was, as I imagined, at that very moment convulsing with pee-inducing laughter I could handle it I would just send a email saying 'it was a joke, just brightening your day, let's change the subject blah de blah ha ha so funny Gad I kill myself sometimes anyway how's your mum, dead? Oh sorry didn't know that....' I had it all planned.

So I perched on my seat all lady-like, pretended to type and twitchingly peered past my monitor to see what the aftermath of this atrocious calamity was...and to my surprise...and complete delight he wasn't there!!!! After a quick think I managed to salvage the situation by hanging around his desk until he got back, told him the basic version of the story about sending him an email instead of someone else and I would be mortified if he read it etc etc and he, being the total gentleman that he is, allowed me to take over his pc and delete every shred of evidence from it! Reputation Saved!

Anyway, can you imagine what it would feel like to send the wrong person a text describing your dirtiest sex habits? Including the size of your member (glad date number 2 didn't go ahead), how 'unclean 'you like the girl to be and the various names you like to be called during the dirty deed? I feel for this guy I really do, especially when he sent a follow up text saying 'Oh my God, no way did I just send that to you!! I am so so so sorry!' Bless him. I am quite obviously not going to name and shame but fella if you ever read this you need to improve your sexy chat technique and do what every other guy does and add a couple of inches.


I am fond of cheating when it comes to dieting, in fact it really gives me a buzz to be able to stick my tongue out at all those dull as dishwater scientists who insist 'eating sensibly and regular exercise will ensure consistent and safe weight loss' blah blah yada yada. I don't want to lose weight over a year I want to lose weight now!!!!

However after spending many many years getting to know myself I am aware of my failings when it comes to my constant efforts at losing weight and that is I don't do 'extreme'. Yes I want to lose weight quickly and I am quite certain about that fact but I don't like the ways in which you need to do this. I didn't do the maple syrup diet because I don't like maple syrup, Cabbage soup made me retch, 5 days on the first stage of Atkins and I started craving vodka and porridge so much I had contemplated blending the 2 together for a drunken power breakfast, 2 days on the smoothie diet and my blender broke...basically every effort I have made to lose a few pounds has sunk without trace, squashed by my disgustingly unnatural lack of willpower.


I have decided to try Alli, as the blurb says 'the only FDA approved over-the-counter weight loss product' which can increase your weight loss by 50%... 50%!!!! Does Alli work? It almost seems too good to be true I know but I am satisfied that the far from glamorous side effects (i.e frequent trips to loo, if you're not near one God help you) dims it's perfection somewhat and therefore makes me less suspicious. Apparently (from a completely unscientific perspective) the pill blocks about 25% of fat in your food from absorbing into your system and instead removes it from your body 'naturally' hence the horror stories of midnight trips for Pampers and the suggestion that you keep a spare change of clothes with you 'just in case'

So far this is my third day and so far so good. No embarrassing disasters on buses but I think that's because I am far too afraid to so much as look at never mind taste anything over the recommended fat grams. That's not how the pill is suppose to work but God darn there's nothing like the threat of pooing your pants to stop you reaching for a Greggs Sausage roll!! So here I am banana in hand, contemplating the number of fat grams in a portion of Chickpea Curry and whether my waist band does indeed feel slightly looser or whether I am in fact unconsciously holding my stomach in and living in my own skinny wee fantasy world. Who knows I but think this is one diet remedy I can stick to... as long as my reputation stays in tact.

LP xx

Monday, 4 May 2009

I think I'm in.....

I think I now know what I've been missing all this time...

The first time eye contact is made, the flush of cheeks, heart beating faster, the realisation that all your life has led to this moment, the anticipation, endless thoughts of the first touch, even more anticipation, dreams at night disrupted at the mere thought of what lies ahead, countdown until the day you are united and then....and then... the shuffle of feet, the knock at the door. You open it. Your brand new ebay purchase has arrived.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009

When fig leaves just seem so much simpler.

I have been and felt far from glamorous lately, this morning was the last straw when I got into work running rather late wearing disgustingly creased trousers and my hair like wurzel gummidge before frizz ease was invented and I owe it to the fact I spend far too much time either chatting to people on MSN, drinking in pubs or watching Nigella Lawson make delectable and just simply orgasssmic darling 3000 calorie cookies. This means clothing is flung on in the 15 minutes I allow myself to get ready in the mornings and all attempts at sophistication fail quicker than a Jodie Marsh makeover.

Now I'm not a morning person, but in the evening all I want to do is cuddle up or go out so I am going to have to give something up if I want to finish my 20's with at least some decorum.


Tomorrow morning the alarm clock is set for half 6, where I will find my clothes beautifully ironed and laid out on the bed for me, my hair will be properly set from the evening before, my nails will be polished and I will even have enough time to apply my foundation properly preventing tidelines and handprints on my nice clean walls. This seems like wishful thinking but am thinking that an early start will encourage me to go to bed earlier which in turn should stop my naughty habits from coming into play. Oh this all sounds so good in theory but why does it never happen in practise!???

Hm perhaps if I do a kind of Bridget Jones type thing and update my times, gym attendance and calories absorbed that day onto the wickedly wild web (aka MY BLOG) it should kick my butt into gear? Okay will give it a bash and I do solemnly swear I will not lie one jot. Apart from when I do go out because after the third glass of wine I'm lucky if I can count my fingers never mind the amount of calories I have consumed but I shall try do my very best and then in turn will contribute to making at least one person's life happier, gleeful in the knowledge their life is far more organised and healthier than mine.

While I'm on the topic of health I am rather perturbed to be hearing that this Mexican Swine flu has made it over to Scotland, anyone else get the feeling the end is nigh? or is just all this sensationalist tabloid nonsense that is getting everyone into an unnecessary tizzy. I am aware of how dangerous this infection is if caught but I just cant stop having visions of Russel Brand saying 'You Swine!!!' my bad?

God you know what I would really love right now? A mentor, you know like a Mister Miyagi type, someone who won't say very much but when they do it's spookily accurate and makes you just think 'Ah I get what you mean'. Someone like Marco Pierre White who can give me positive pieces of advice like 'A tree without roots is just wood' or Ade Edmondson who replied 'A cricket bat with a tree' you know those kind of people. A psycholoogist I hear you cry? Okay lets skip this subject think my post tea and toast mind has totally lost the plot here.

Sayonara, and remember Danielsun!! Wax on...wax off.. (nice tip for you ladies next time you whip out the old bikini wax ouch )
xxxxxxxxx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

Sunday, 5 April 2009


The freakin sun's out!!!...LOVE IT!

Small chap thinks I've transported him to Spain overnight so cute but thought I'd latch on to the Catalonian spirit and go smack some sun lotion on us both, worship some sun, indulge in water sports (ok go look for frogspawn in Queen's Park pond) grab a siesta, consume some quesadillas and enjoy some Rodrigues y Gabriella while I'm at it.

Then after wee one is whipped off by Grannykins after tea going with Derren Brown to see Declan Hegarty in Waverley Tearooms, Shawlands. Declan is a lovely wee Irish singer but unfortunately doesn't have many examples of his music online, I will be duly telling him to get that sorted.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Shopping in Primark.

You are either an Impulse buyer or a Procrastinator in life and looking over the past couple of years I have been of the Impulse buying variety which isn't very wrong but it seems my purchases have been more Bargain Books than Harrods.

The amount of times I have reached for the best china but due to sheer negligence have ended up with the plastic cups and saucers and do you know what ladies and gentlemen I realise now that I deserve much better, in fact we ALL deserve much better than that so the Car Boot sales stop here.

I realise now I've been looking for depth in shallow ponds and it's funny when things become clearer for you. The little things that may have hurt you now seem laughable, the Romeos become Quasimodos and the cheeky chappies turn into Jimmy Krankies. The small flashing lights alerting you to a possible disaster now turn into Foghorns on a clear misty night, the little white lies, the drunken calls, the thoughtless remarks from various sources all gather into one shady character who could be any one of them but now looks like an insignificant, forgotten gargoyle propped on a wrecked old building endlessly peering out on a life that will never change for them.

The decision's made, am going to take my time and seek out the diamond in the rough and suggest everyone else out there does too because while your eyes are trying to find some beauty in the gargoyle the starling could be flying overhead.

And for those of you who do not have a clue what I'm talking about? Good guys do get Jell-o!


LP xx

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Interesting Mating Rituals in the Animal Kingdom

Banana Slugs...

...have a penis the same size as their body which means they need a female the same size as their penis. And what happens if that lil ole weener don't fit? The female gnaws the end off. Nice.


....lazy ass sea leeches, as soon as they are done with the party lifestyle their digestive systems shut down which means they can no longer feed themselves. A lightbulb goes 'ting!'and they head off to find the nearest daft female. They then bite said female, releasing an enzyme that bonds their flesh together..FOREVER!! He then proceeds to shoot a dose of love stuff to keep the females eggo everlastingly preggo.


...are known to latch on to nearest female with a protruding chest and feathered plumes. As soon as plumes are plucked males senses edorphin rush releasing themselves from female, allowing them to move on to next bird with head turned.

Pandora Bellamy signing off.


Monday, 30 March 2009

Bloody Good Weekend Old Chap!

Now, I've had interesting weekends before, but this last one had to top them involved Silver Mercedes cocktails, engagements, birthday parties, 4 in a bed sleepovers, men who look like lumberjacks, friends pulling the guy they've fancied for months, business ventures all go, scrambled eggs, pubs full of people singing along to Queen Songs, old men's bars, karaoke, derren brown and kidnapping strange people off the street whilst their friends walked 2 feet in front of them, then not returning them til 24 hours later. To top it all off I feel fresh as a daisy today because my body thinks its getting away from work an hour earlier - THANK YOU daylight savings.

Oh and there is also the fact a well-known premier league footballer has asked me to be his I'm not qualified in the slightest and no I won't tell who he is but look out for any of our nations finest sporting a Pandora Rox tattoo on his bum ;)

I couldn't make this stuff up.


Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Am about to get some tasters of Kiss me Deadly's new season stuff, working my boys hard on getting the website up and running to showcase all these priddy things as they should be but as always you can contact me through my blog or even
I'll even give you advice on what styles would best suit your body shape, what accessories you should opt for on an evening in and what to wear them with on an evening out.
Go on treat yourself ;)

Monday, 16 March 2009

My twin!!!!

...okay she has the same blog name but you don't need to be Agatha Christie to see thats where the similarities end go check her out.

Virgin Pina-Colada drinking church goer that makes her own mayonnaise, she is like me....but nicer ;)

Sunday, 15 March 2009

I cheated...........

I'd like to make it clear before I begin that this blog is being written under different conditions to my previous attempts at narrative, mainly due to the fact that I know that someone is patiently waiting for me to click on the 'Publish Post' button so they can eagerly peruse my summary of our little adventure in Edinburgh on Saturday. This obviously puts me in a tight spot because while I wish to be honest I feel that there may be some generalisations, bits taken out and far less attention to detail than previous posts so bear with, I will try to stay true to the story as I possibly can without corrupting any innocent minds or ruining any reputations ;)

If you have been a regular follower of my blog you will have noticed that I am very up front about what goes on my life, almost to the point of bluntness. A recurring theme throughout is the 'dating' thing.

I have always been a great advocate of spending time getting to know yourself before settling down with anyone because I have witnessed so many people mould themselves into what their partners want them to be, hell I've done it myself before so when I say I date lots I'm not saying 'see one guy them send him packing' I actually mean try keep things as light-hearted and easy as possible, take risks, meet people you wouldn't normally meet then let things follow their natural progression...which is how I ended up getting a lap dance from a nubile young woman in a strip club in Edinburgh whilst my date for the evening looked on.

Some of you I know will not be shocked by this, just the other evening my friends and I - whilst thoroughly out of our trees I might add - rather confidently compared ourselves to the Sex and the City girls, when I asked what one I was they all said 'Samantha' immediately. Whilst happy that I wasn't the Miranda of the group I was still very headily shocked by how I am sometimes perceived but saying that... I knew that if I tried to argue my innocence there would have been plenty of evidence to the contrary so hey ho 'what's a girl to do'. (Good Bat fot Lashes song, You Tube it).

So...Edinburgh. My day began with one of those hangovers that make you want to stick pins in your eyes to make the head bleed feel better in comparison, I was out with the 'Lovely Ladies' in Tusk the evening before and I believe shots were inhaled half hourly. Not only that but not surprisingly my activities during the week had caused a great big ole planet of a spot smack bang in the middle of my forehead, I swear this beauty had it's own solar system so, armed with alcohol fuelled bravery and a pair of blunt scissors I proceeded to hack at my fringe to see if I could do a cover up job, this done I managed to get my self into some kind of presentable state, think Im doing great time wise when I turn up for 11.45 train at Queen Street Station only to be confronted withhundreds upon thousands of kilted young men and women going to the rugby.For schizz...

Tears welled as I stood for more than 45 minutes in North Hanover Street car park watching the queue slowly dissipate, my shoes were not meant for actual physical walking so if you can imagine how I looked on my arrival in Edinburgh : bloodshot eyes and dry skin from prevoius nights activities, squinty fringe covering boil on my head, damp matted hair from standing in the Glasgow drizzle for nearly an hour, limping from crap shoes and thread hanging from skirt where button had popped off in taxi. While I can imagione you all positively salivating at this image, I would not be surprised if half of you wondered why I didn not just go home, ensconce myself in my duvet and just give up on the day, but giving up is not my motto, although who knows what the hell my motto is??? 'Live fast.... die young...(of Liver Failure)'

My escort for the day was a handsome young RAF Corporal (reminder to everyone he will be reading this ;) let's for talking sake call him *Matthew, with a penchant for air-guitaring along to You Tube snippets and, as I discovered later, highly recommendable photography skills. After doing his best impression of the Stig on Edinburgh's roads we ended up back at his bachelor pad and proceeded to drink, play guitar and sing the day away. From here I will take the time to point out a new talent courtesy of *Matthew - Brandi Carlile - I have no doubt I will be mentioning her in future so to really get a feel for how amazing she is go check her out on Later with Jools Holland, My Space her, Facebook her, do whatever you can to immerse yourself in all thing Brandi because her talent is all omni-impotent and all knowing and I am always right.

After being treated to some in house live music from *Matthew we headed out into Edinburgh town to The Picture House on Lothian Road to see some up and coming bands, it wasn't packed but still a great venue that the likes of Pete Doherty and the Doves are due to play at over the coming weeks.

Something I noticed as the evening wore on...a night in Edinburgh just feels different, I know I won't bump into anyone I know, I won't automatically end up at the usual places I frequent and despite my earlier grief with the rugby crowd the night was fuelled with an energy, excitement and expectancy unlike anything I've ever experienced before. As that infamous Flight of the Conchords song Business Times goes 'conditions were perfect'.

So mix excitement, fear, sexual tension and expectancy and what do you get? A foray into teh local lap-dancing club that's what you get. I do actually believe there were two but I'll be honest when I say one pair of boobiess is the same as the next with me and when you have a pair like mine anything less than a handful is a blister. Now don't get me wrong, there is something incredibly sexy about having someone nakedly writhing on your lap while your beau of the mo looks on, I see the sexual potential but being the literal person I am I couldn't help but notice the almost robotic-like movements, the 'been here before' faces and fake flirting that made me cringe a little. The girl worked hard for her money, much credit to her but from one woman to another - who has faked many a thing in her time - sometimes making theme 'believe' has far more benefits to it than you can ever imagine. I guess this is where the Burlesque in me comes out, adding a little fun, a kinky little strip and teasing to the mix is surely far better than just stripping off and thrusting the bust! No? Am I being female here? Well that was my summary but am sure *Matthew has his tuppence to put in, will divulge his contribution at a later date.

So I think this is where my movements throughout the evening should be more or less papered over, sealed, possibly divulged to the girls over Manhattens? who knows? but this isnt THAT kind of blog and am sure you will all have your own opinions and ideas of the rest of the nights activities. A step for a hint though is I have already got the title for a future blog together using my time in Edinburgh as a guide 'At what point does a girl stop being a lady?' What do you think?

To summarise though great time had, I am most definitely going to be making the effort to see more of Edinburgh in future, sorry Glasgow I love you but I think I'm going to have to swap you for an older version....x

P.S Many thanks to *Matthew for being my tour guide for the day, very dedicated young man. xx

Sunday, 22 February 2009

21st Century Pinup Girl?

Shortly I will be celebrating the anniversary of being expelled from my mother's uterus so myself and a good friend of mine have decided to hit my late twenties freshly detoxed and too damn gorgeous for pre-watershed viewing. This has involved trying one diet for 2 days, ditching it out of sheer boredom and googling for the next one that has encouraging photographs of celebs and models emaciated enough to show it's worthwhile giving a bash.

Of course I've treaded the fad dieting path a fair few times before but this will be the first time I have decided to ...wait for it... CUT OUT ALCOHOL! . Being a lady with very few vices I've always thought I have been owed the opportunity to go out and get recklessly drunk as often as I deem fit, I've avoided drug addiction, smoking, stalker-like tendencies, foot fetishes, and anorexia so why the hell shouldn't I??? But then I had kind of an epiphany a couple of weeks ago, and after I looked up the meaning of epiphany on (just to confirm this was as I thought 'a Eureka moment' not the name of some kind of orchestral instrument) I realised alcohol was the only consistent thing in my life that pretty much contributed to it's ruin. To list but a few of the things that have occurred in my life as a direct or indirect result of alcohol:

1. Sex with strangers

2, Sex with friends who I would never have considered sex with

3.Bad sex

4. Great sex (that felt great at time but not so much the next day when you have 6 hickies, rope burns on your wrists and a rash and irritation from the use of scented candle wax that have to be explained to best friend, colleagues and old lady on bus)

5.Sent text meant for boyfriend to boss....

6.Spent a night standing in a hospital corridor screaming "Ignore me! I know this large gouge in my leg which is bleeding profusely and is making me rather nauseous looks quite bad but I'm drunk I don't deserve your charity, look I'll mop my blood off the floor with my skirt that seems to have fallen to my ankles...' (still cringe at that one)

7. Told people I hated them

8. Told people I loved them

9. Fell behind the white screen at a Halloween dishevelled form magnified onto the wall for all to see

10. And worst of all, the mountain of kebabs and chips and putrid, stinking, disgusting food I shoved down my throat that night and the following morning to quell the predictable effects of the absolute barrels of booze I consumed the night before.

Now I have to admit most of these events were of yesteryear (apart from the Halloween one) but to look back at my weekend with pride and dignity gives me a warm feeling inside. The only thing is..what will I have to talk about in the office Monday morning hm.......?

Go check out this site Have replaced drunked Saturday night exploits with hunting down great sites on the old interweb and this one had me peeing my nice spotty pink pantie, great little e cards that tell it like it is :)

Speak soon


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

On a serious note (and all that nonsense

I've been on this planet for nearly 27 years now (my birthday is on 20th March and don't YOU forget it!) and in that time I have come to terms with a lot of things about myself. First of all I am an 'out of sight, out of mind' kind of person...I prefer to live in the present and now, and although I still think of you often unless you are there in front of me I'm more likely to be concentrating my efforts on something more pressing in the meantime. I realise this sounds almost child-like but I guess it's a kind of coping mechanism to help me remain optimistic and clear-headed and as it is something I have used more and more over the years I find it very difficult to be any different.

Obviously there are certain disadvantages to adopting this attitude, particularly when it comes to family, friends and lovers but as time has gone on my independence and confidence in what I am has become something incredibly important to me so I hope those of you (particularly this person I have in mind) have come to realise this is not thoughtlessness on my part and my feelings havent changed.

Another thing I have found out about myself is that when not in a creative environment I become a lazy-assed chameleon...I blend into my grey, drab and anonymous surroundings, I transform into this 9 to 5 drone who would come home and just sleep all night if I could get away with it. Is this just winter fatigue or has my brain shut down so much that it requires a virtual flood of stimulating ammo before it's raring to go again? Spring? I need you! Hurry up before I'm found comatose, with what's left of my brain matter leaking out of my left ear and creating a puddle on the floor. So tired can't even type properly, where's my flowing style? This post has got more stops and starts than an amateur Go-Karting session!

By the way I've joined Twitter,if you havent heard of it it's like a status update site where you can follow people and they will just give tiny wee updates throughout their day. Stephen Fry updated his account 7 minutes ago saying 'Last scene for me. But at least three more hours on it, I suspect' he is absolutely addicted to it. Am also following Russell Brand and Regina Spektor, I actually feel a little bit like a voyeur, like I'm getting the private inside track on their private lives (along with 45,000 other people). If you want to follow the Twitter sense not of the dark alleyway and holes in walls variety...then just sign up and search for laughingpandora will try keep it up to date with all the goings on in my life (believe it or not is far more interesting than I've been wittering on about here).

Anyhoo, it's 12.35 and my lovely new cosy bed calls.

Ciao Bella

Friday, 13 February 2009

Valentines Shmalentines

Being in an office full of couples at this time of year certainly puts things in perspective...I've never considered committing a crime before but burning a building with these people in it seems to be a recurring dream I have (only kidding fellow colleagues I love you really.) But the annoying thing is that the other 364 days of the year I am much envied if not revered for my ability to see 6 guys on the hop without fear of retaliation so seeing all these daft flowers, chocolates and dinner dates flying about while I sit nursing a hangover from 3 days of disastrous dating is just not on!

(Doth the lady protest too much?)